

  • 06 65 67 12 54
  • Driver License

Soft Skills

  • Serious
  • Reliable
  • Teamwork
  • Communication
  • Creativity
  • Organized


  • drapeau_anglais English (B2)
  • drapeau_francais French (Native)
  • drapeau_espagnol Spanish (B1)


Curently preparing a BA in multimedia and Internetin order to be a graphist.

During my childhood, I practised various creative activities, including drawing, creating and designing video games, art exploration( painting, digital drawing, graffiti,...), and music ( playing the guitar and the piano ), all of which have influenced my choice to study multimedia and interned today.

----- Education ------

Curently preparing a BA ( 2023-2026) in multimedia and Internet

  • Web Developpement (Web Creation/Design, Hosting)
  • Graphic Design (Learning Softwares, how to draw, creating game designs)
  • Expression and Communication (Interview, how to write, put expression and emotion in texts)
  • Audiovisual Arts (Manipulating camera, learning how to reduce / increase light, interview)
  • Digital Marketing and Economics (Creating a Brand, stuying market)
  • Ergonomics and accessibility (Identifying personas, learning web skeleton)

Baccalaureate majoring in Maths and Physics in 2023

----- Experience -----

Seasonal employment for the last 2 years during the summer in greenspace maintenance in my city. It was fulfilling, I discovered professional world and teamwork.

----- Professional Skills -----

Digital Art Skills (Drawing on Photoshop, designing logo on InDesign)

Coding Skills (Css and Html for web developpement and design, Javascript for video games)

logo photoshop logo indesign logo vegas logo html logo css logo js